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After two years of preparation, our team presented a preview version of the Health Horizon platform at the World Hospital Congress in Chicago last October (2015). The president of the International Hospital Federation performed the official launch at an event with one of our advisors, Alexander Preker.

Marcus gave a presentation on some of the challenges of managing large data sets of health records while Mathew presented a poster presentation on the research outcomes of the last two years.

After helping to organize the event we pitched at the Health Venture Fair at MATTER in the historic Merchandise Mart. During this event we awarded our own prize to Innoblative, an impeccably designed hand-held device to stop cancer regrowth after surgery.

Thanks to everyone who made the trip so productive and memorable. The challenges of the previous two years were thoroughly vindicated when, at the IHF president’s after party, our team stared out over the Chicago river from the hotel penthouse musing on where we can go from here.

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